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Naicheachd 'sa Ghaidhlig/Scottish Gaelic News

Sept 18th through Sep 24th

Hurricane Fiona Strikes Cape Breton

Hurricane Fiona a' bualadh air Ceap Breatainn

Cape Breton, the last area in North America where Native Scottish Gaelic speaker live was struck by a hurricane on Saturday. Homes are reported to have been swept into the ocean. The BBC reported that "hundreds of thousands of people have been left without power, after Storm Fiona hit Canada's coastline."

Scottish Gaelic Speakers Visit Kerry

Thadhal Luchd-labhairt Gàidhlig na h-Alba à Kerry

According to the Kerryman, Scottish Gaelic speaker from Eilean Leodhais (Isle of Lewis) "visited the people of West Kerry to share experiences and learn from each other. " The Kerryman reported that the two communities share some of the same struggles including that "the local Gaelic-speaking population is under pressure, essential services such as shops, post offices and petrol stations have closed down and the “extortionate” cost of transport between the Scottish mainland and the islands has a severe impact on the cost of living."

TES Magazine conducts an Analysis of Gaelic Education

Rinn Iris TES Mion-sgrùdadh air Foghlam Gàidhlig

The Times Educational Supplement, a weekly magazine devoted to education and educator completed an analysis of Gaelic education in Scotland. It stated that "Renfrewshire Council became the latest Scottish local authority to introduce Gaelic-medium education for primary pupils. Now, half of Scottish councils (16 out of 32 authorities) offer primary Gaelic-medium education...." However, it felt that despite increased interest in Gaelic, not enough was being done to perserve Gaelic as a community language "and parents, not politics have driven most of the work."

Renfrewshire Council to 'lead by example' in promoting Gaelic as official language

Comhairle Siorrachd Rinn Friù gu bhith ‘stiùireadh le eisimpleir’ ann a bhith a’ brosnachadh na Gàidhlig mar chànan oifigeil

Renfrewshire Council has submitted a 22-page proposal to "has vowed to “lead by example” in the 22-page document and work with others to develop its Gaelic offer..." according to the National. It also quoted Council leader Iain Nicolson who said: “Gaelic is an important part of Renfrewshire’s heritage."

“Paisley was once home to a community of Gaelic weavers and recently we welcomed the first of hopefully many more children who go to our new Gaelic class at West Primary."

Edinburgh Gaelic high school: No Acceptable Site

Àrd-sgoil Ghàidhlig Dhùn Èideann: Chan eil Làrach Iomchaidh Ann

The Edinburgh Evening new claimed that the City's education convener, Joan Griffiths, said the Scottish Government "now accepts there is no suitable city-centre site for a Gaelic high school..." This comes despite a pledge from the SNP in last year's election.



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